Army Nursing Corps Veteran turns 103 Years Old
Ilidia Nicholas,
September's Patriot Highlight is Arline Covey (formerly Edie), who was a nurse in the United States Army. Mrs. Covey turned 103 years old last week and she's known as Granny to all of her family. She has 5 kids, 10 grand kids and 21 great-grand kids!
In 1937, she boarded a train to Michael Reese Hospital in Chicago, Illinois to attend Nursing School. This would later prepare her for joining the Army Nursing Corps.
She joined the Army Nursing Corps in 1940. By March of 1941, she was sent to the U.S. Army Air Corps Chanute Field in Rantoul, Illinois: a training base for young Army pilots.
Leiutenant Arline Edie appeared in Life Magazine when an epidemic of measles and scarlet fever hit the base. This slowed the Army's training program and forced the quarantine of dozens of barracks.
In January 1942, she married John Lawrence Covey of South Dakota, a second lieutenant who was training at the base, and was soon honorably discharged from the Army Nursing Corps as military service rules barred married women.
Thank you for your service, Arline (Granny). Happy 103rd Birthday!