Proper Times to Say the Pledge of Allegiance
Adam Kunes,
When it comes to the proper times to say the Pledge of Allegiance, most of us think of school. Growing up, you might remember saying the Pledge of Allegiance in class. For many, it was an integral part of growing up: every Monday morning students would rise, place their hand over their heart, look to the flag and recite the Pledge of Allegiance.
We most likely all remember learning this pledge for the first time in elementary school as part of our daily routine. It is still a part of the school routine to stand and salute the flag while reciting this important pledge to show your allegiance to the nation and the flag. In fact, it’s still part of many formal procedures within our government.
Here’s a look at some of the proper times to recite the Pledge of Allegiance and where it’s most-used within our government.
Citizenship Ceremonies
When someone works hard to earn their citizenship in America, it is typically one of the best days of their life. They’ve worked hard to learn the history of our country and to become familiar with everything from our language to our laws. Once they’ve passed the citizenship test, all that’s left for them on their path to citizenship is to be sworn in. The process of becoming a citizen includes the act of pledging allegiance to the flag and all it represents as their new country.
Congressional Sessions
When looking at proper times to say the Pledge of Allegiance, it makes sense that congressional sessions are part of the list. Before congressional sessions, the Pledge of Allegiance is recited to honor the flag as well as the representative's role in serving the American people. If you ever tune into C-Span or to watch a formal presentation on the congressional floor, you’ll see attending members put their hand over their heart and recite the Pledge of Allegiance. It’s a formality that also serves as a reminder to honor the country during the upcoming presentation.
Government Meetings
Similar to congressional sessions, many levels of government meetings say the Pledge prior to the start of the meeting. From school board meetings to meetings at the state level, the Pledge of Allegiance can be heard at all levels of our government at work on any given day. While it is not necessarily required, it is always a nice reminder of what our nation represents. It’s also becoming more common in open government sessions, such as town hall meetings, where the public is encouraged to attend.
Special Ceremonies
From Veterans’ Day ceremonies to Memorial Day ceremonies, these important occasions almost always include the Pledge of Allegiance, in addition to the National Anthem and other important recitations. The reason is simple: we’re honoring those who’ve given sacrifices to keep our freedoms safe. The Pledge of Allegiance is all about honoring the flag and everything it represents—including the efforts of military service members and veterans to keep us safe. Reciting the Pledge is the least we can do to remind ourselves of their sacrifice—especially before we honor them formally.
Whenever You Want!
The Pledge of Allegiance was created to foster American sense of patriotism and connection to county. It was intended to be recited as a daily reminder for citizens. Even if you are not in school or work in the government, you can still recite the Pledge daily on your own as a reminder of your allegiance to the flag. For many patriots, it’s akin to a simple payer or a daily affirmation. Reciting it and being conscious of the words you’re saying will always remind you of your freedoms.
Don’t Just Recite It; Listen to It
The Pledge of Allegiance is just 31 words long, and most of us can recite it without thinking about the words. But we should! The Pledge isn’t just something to recite mindlessly—it’s something to think about, word for word, every time we say it. When you think about the words you’re saying and the setting you’re saying them in, they take on a new and powerful meaning: one that will evoke your patriotic spirit.
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